HAD 46: Prohibition Part 1 - Fellowship of the Drink

It’s time. We’ve teased and promised it, but it’s finally time for the Prohibition episode. Make that episodes. This is too much topic for any one episode, so we are going to be breaking it up over the next few weeks. Today’s episode is “Fellowship of the Drink” is all about how we got to prohibition, and the Temperance movements in general. So come in and Have a drink, while you still can.

To tell us your favorite drink, ask a question, or just leave some feedback, please usefeedback@haveadrinkshow.com. Also submit feedback on the website, HaveADrinkShow.com. There, you can also check out our social media links or look for Have A Drink Show on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and Google+. 

Remember to subscribe to us on your favorite podcatcher such as Pocket Casts or Downcast, and please rate us on iTunes.

We would like to thank Alan Robinson for the show music and Len Peralta for the album art.

Part of the "What We're Drinking" bumper is from the Youthful Brewmaster card in the Blizzard game, Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft.